at Toripani, Nepal 2018
To you what is life?
To an infant
Life is utter excitement...
A wonder.
To an aging oldster... life is a preciousness…
A substance to be measured out with care.
Come on, come on…
Within my silence I have found that
Life arises within a primal realization.
Our hearts are primed to drink.
I no longer nurture that born within time’s fickleness.
We are always beyond, better.
We are uncontaminated consciousness… our hearts drink from the purity of the immortal.
We are the actuality of unencumbered awareness… mighty… a focus capable of an incredible love…
Capable and so hungry for the taste of bliss that is the divine's.
Me, I am male and female, young and old…
I am a success and a failure…
And I am not…
For I am first the love of `the divine’s ecstasy.